WWWBoard FAQ #3

SoftSpider for Windows - the fastest, easiest way to drive traffic to your website. As seen in PC Magazine!

[ Matt's Script Archive ] [ Frequently Asked Questions ] [ WWWBoard ]

Where can I get add-ons and help for WWWBoard?

    Short Answer:

    DBasics Software offers several add-ons with information on how to install them free to anyone.

    Long Answer:

    DBasics Software offers the following add-ons for your WWWBoard:

    • Operating Multiple Boards On One WWWBOARD.CGI
    • Customizing the look of WWWBOARD posts
    • Simple WWWBoard Search Engine
    • Viewing Messages Before Posting
    • Creating a Private WWWBoard
    • Denying WWWBOARD Accessing
    • Subscribing Function for Matt's WWWBoard
    • How To Send WWWBOARD.CGI Digested Articles

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